Friday, January 29, 2010

"It gets cold in Dawson Creek, especially for a coatimundi."

  Once again people decide that hoarding exotics is a way to 'be cool'.  Here's a story that hit the radar about two weeks ago.  It's your typical wealthy people purchasing wild animals for a collection or just say 'look at me, look at me'.
  I felt that this story should be posted in the Collected Coatimundi because one of the animals who seemed to have the most trauma was a little coatimundi.
  "The coatimundi was being kept in a dog crate and had chewed its own paws, Ms. Moriarty said."
  Just reading that quote and thinking about such an intelligent, social animal like a coati being housed in a tiny dog crate where a horrible neurotic behavior like this can develop breaks my heart.
  I just don't get it the reasoning.  I never will.
  Read the rest of the story in the link below:

Dawson Creek couple receives $700 fine for animal cruelty

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