Saturday, September 3, 2022

Coatis Trapped in U-Haul Rescued

It's June in Cambridge, Massachusetts and someone is hearing noises coming from the inside of a U-Haul.
Upon closer examination?
They could hear birds sqwaking and chirping, but also something else.
Not long after making the call about the U-Haul, members of the environmental division of the local police as well as the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) arrived on the scene to force open the trailer.
What they found was typical of these types of heartbreaking animal rescue stories, particulary exotic animal rescues...
Locked inside the U-Haul were several birds, rats, chinchillas...
And four brown-nosed coatimundi.
All of the animal were housed in dirty cages.
The MSPCA put up all the other animals for hopeful adoption while the group tries to find an animal sanctuary or zoo that can take in the coatis.

I'll be calling the MSPCA to find out the situation with the coatis and update this story as soon as I can.

Link to the original story here.
Here's a video of one of the rescued coati.