Monday, July 11, 2022

It's been way too long...

Just a quick post to let those who, like myself LOVE the coati, know that this blog will begin posting all new material and coati news very soon as well as coati art and more. My last post was in 2015...
This was at the same time that Cody, a coati who entered my life and was a massive part of it for 17 years, passed away at the ripe old coati age of 17.
He was incredibly well cared for and was my entire world for 17 years.
No vacations. No traveling.
Just making sure he was taken care of.
I learned a LOT about the coati in order to properly care for this amazing animal.
It's time to get back to sharing that love for this incredibly unique and amazing animal.
There is so much still unknown about the coati...
From vocalizations to birthing to their privage lifestyles.
I hope you'll follow along as I jump back into cataloguing all things coatimundi in one place...
The Collected Coatimundi!