Sunday, July 12, 2015

Meet Fiddlesitx and his friends the Coati Gang - Kids' Film Features Coati as Main Character

I'm not sure how I missed this but...

An oddball kids movie that's like a mix between The Little Rascals and the old-school Pippi Longstocking features a coati as one of the lead characters!

Fiddlestix isn't just the name of the's the name of the adorable little coatimundi featured in the movie. Fiddlestix is sort of the mascot of a group of misfit little kids who call themselves the Coati Gang.

How a coatimundi becomes the mascot amongst a group of German kids is something I started to ask myself but then I saw a trashcan launched through the air, an old man on a bunch of rockets lifting off and a car cut in half...that's when I quit asking questions.

But's a movie featuring a coati...and that's why we're all here, right?

Enjoy the trailer for Fiddlestix.