Sunday, July 12, 2015

Meet Fiddlesitx and his friends the Coati Gang - Kids' Film Features Coati as Main Character

I'm not sure how I missed this but...

An oddball kids movie that's like a mix between The Little Rascals and the old-school Pippi Longstocking features a coati as one of the lead characters!

Fiddlestix isn't just the name of the's the name of the adorable little coatimundi featured in the movie. Fiddlestix is sort of the mascot of a group of misfit little kids who call themselves the Coati Gang.

How a coatimundi becomes the mascot amongst a group of German kids is something I started to ask myself but then I saw a trashcan launched through the air, an old man on a bunch of rockets lifting off and a car cut in half...that's when I quit asking questions.

But's a movie featuring a coati...and that's why we're all here, right?

Enjoy the trailer for Fiddlestix.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Study Shows Female Coatis Teach Juveniles How to Steal!

A new study and research is showing that female coati will teach juveniles how to steal from unrelated coatis!

Ben Hirsch of the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute:

"No previously published model of animal behavior would have predicted that young juvenile coatis should regularly attack and steal food from older relatives. Additionally, the pattern that adult females come to the aid of these non-related juveniles really flies in the face of what we thought. What we have described is a quasi-cooperative behavior that is evidently not kin based."

To read more of the interesting behavior follow the link below:


Who Wants a Cup of Coffee from South America? - Okay...who wants to clean coati poop off it?

"This is the most expensive crap in the world!"

Those are the words of Jose Jorge Durand the owner of Chanchamayo Highland Coffee.

For those that aren't aware there was a small ripple of a trend where animals (mostly civets...a small cat) would eat arabica bean cherries and later excrete the fermented coffee beans stripped of most of the usual bitterness of the bean.

It's one of the most expensive coffees in the world typically going for anywhere between $20-$65 a cup!

Know what's more eye-opening than a solid cup of coffee in the morning?


One that came out the back end of a coati.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Animal Services in Memphis Discovers Coati in Home - Issues Owner a Warrant - Because Let's Do THAT first

A coati named Archie caused some buzz in Memphis recently when he was spotted in the window of his owner's home after a call went in to local Animal Services about his dogs. Animal Services (who in the video are seen taking photos of Archie through the window...and an officer laughingly flinches when Archie lunges at his hand through the window) states they've never seen whatever Archie is so they issue a warrant to the owner of the coati.

According to a friend of the owner of the coati, Animal Services said:

“They said, ‘if you can’t find him, we’ve already contacted the Memphis Zoo and if he can’t get here before the warrant gets here then they’ll kick in the door and take it’

That's always better than just waiting for the owner to respond...right?

The story continues to spiral into awkwardness when the owner shows up telling reporters that he bought the animal off of Craigslist for $375 because his girlfriend wanted something more interesting than a cat (because she's obviously more concerned with getting attention than just loving a cat from the shelter and wanted to help promote the sale of exotics through Craigslist...she sounds like a keeper) and that his name is Archelo Fettucini.

I can't fault the guy...he had vaccination paperwork (no permit is needed to keep a coati in Memphis...ugh) and calmly explained the situation.

Just another weird situation that circles around an animal that seems to find its way into everything...

Including the awkward home that Archie resides in down in Memphis...

Who's hedging bets that the relationship will eventually hit the skids and another exotic will probably end up in a bad situation?